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About Us

Paul Fiume is the driving force behind Churchill Artisan, a lifelong woodworking craftsman looking to share his passion with other baking and artisan enthusiasts. Our shop is located in Ontario, Canada. What started as a hobby, has turned into a small local shop selling artisanal gifts across the globe.

All of the items we make are unique, one of a kind, and carefully hand crafted from our locally sourced wood. We are careful to allow the soul of the tree to live on in a different form.

We only use local Ontario hardwoods responsibly sourced from a small one man sawmill operation about an hour from our home. Only trees that have had to come down for one reason or another are used – storm damaged, trees that are posing a danger, diseased etc. No big commercial logging. Paul has also been found picking up trees from the side of the road after storms.

We believe that trees live on after they are cut down and transformed into useful heirloom items that are cherished by those who use them.